Friday, November 18, 2011

another give away

Brenda at the Rusty Thimble is givingaway one of her little elf dolls. Please visit her here and sign up for the giveaway. Please take the time to look at the amazing ornaments and other handmade items to decorate your home with or to give as gifts this Christmas season. My hubbie and I have decided on a handmade or bought handmade goodies for Christmas this year. I am so tired of helping China to get richer by buying their cheaply made and shottie workmanship goods. It is time we stand up for the good ole Americana workers. Please shop wisely this year and send a message to the big chain stores that we want products made in the USA!! If we all stand together and do this as a group of consumers we can make a difference in our country!!But we have to be careful just because we are buying homemade or handmade items are the supplies they are using made in America?? The craftsman has to do their part too and buy supplies that are made in the USA!! Also google items made in your state. You can make up gift baskets of items that are made in your state and give them as Christmas gifts. We have a wonderful candy company in North Carolina that makes the most wonderful melt away peppermint candy. I buy it by the little bucket full at my local Walgreens for less than 4.00 a container. The last Christmas I worked at Baptist hospital. I bought several buckets of peppermints. I put them in little baggies.Then I hand stamped a piece of peppermint candy. Cut them out and colored the image with markers. I assembled a bag topper out of red cardstock and white cardstock. I stamped the words Merry Christmas on the white cardstock and glues the piece of peppermint candy cut out onto the cardstock. Then I placed the bag topper onto the ziplock bag. Instead of handing out Christmas cards to co-workers I handed the bag of peppermints out. Everyone was thrilled with them. Just a little tip for a sweet little treat to give coworkers or anyone that you need to give a little something to.

1 comment:

TheCrankyCrow said...

It would be great if everyone could make a more concerted effort to "give American" and better yet, "give handmade." I actually started doing this several years ago with a couple of neighbors and friends - over the years, it's gotten to be very creative - from giving homegrown chickens and homemade soap to handmade cookies and sweets. Has turned out to be a fun challenge....Have a great weekend! Smiles & Hugs ~ Robin